Welcome to my ramblings about life on a regenerative farm—a beautiful, messy place that teaches me daily lessons in mindfulness, stewardship, and reciprocity.

“I married a farmer” became my response to many questions after my husband and I moved onto 10 acres of land, built a barndominium, and tied the knot. Things like, “why’d you move there?” or “why do you have worms in your kitchen?” but also inquiries about living more sustainably or more intentionally in a world that demands consumption.

Some background…but before that, a quick note about subscribing.

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Subscribing to I Married a Farmer means that you’ll get an email every time I post. You don’t need to read every newsletter, but hey, it’s nice to have the option in your inbox. It also tells me that you value my writing… which is really nice.

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Back to some background…

In my ever-expanding quest for intentionality, I launched I Married a Farmer to document weekly goings-on and thoughts. Usually, it’s something happening on our farm—in our home, in the fields, or in the woods that surround them.

More importantly, though, you’ll find me peeling back the onion, pondering some layer below the topsoil, or asking questions of the larger systems we dwell in.

I just can’t help myself.

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On living mindfully and sustainably from a regenerative farm.


Martel is a writer working in environmental advocacy. She lives on a farm with her husband where she observes many beautiful yet messy things. She also happens to be legally blind.